Tuesday, November 2, 2010

DON'T include a check with your offers!!!!

2 months ago an offer for a property I was selling was sent to my office. One of 11! (Just like the boom days) It didn't win. Shucks. The problem occurred when the check submitted with the offer, made payable to the title company, was cashed. I had no record of the check being with the offer. Lots of finger pointing. The buyer thought the money was scammed and wired into some hole over seas. A week later the buyer realized that the check was sent by mistake to pay his *+!%$!*& MASTER CARD BILL!!! Yes, the bank accepted and paid the check even though it was made payable to a title company. I know. you're saying to yourself "huh?". Two lessons learned here. Don't accuse someone until you have all the facts and DON'T include a check with you offers! Just make a copy. I checked with agents having over 100 years of real estate experience and NO ONE had ever heard of this.

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