Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Solar shingles...

Whenever I hear about a new technology or improvement, I like to contemplate its effect on the future. I just finished reading up about roof shingles that have solar cells built in. Called Powerhouse Solar Shingle, is so far untested in mass quantities. However, this has the potential to save big money on installation costs which accounts for about 25% of a typical roof top system. They plug-in horizontily and are nailed in just like regular asphalt shingles.

Another example of how we can improve on technology to make non-carbon based power generation economical.

Compare this to the true costs of nuclear from build out to decommissioning, and it becomes more cost effective. Solar just doesn't have the constituency of nuclear and coal to lobby for it. I have great confidence that our ingenuity will make nuclear and coal history.

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